Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Clinty-Poo!!!

I am one day late with this post but I wanted Clint to know how much we love him. He is a GREAT hubby and I love being married to him. He is a great dad to Emmi and she loves him to death. He is such a good student and just finished his 2nd year of Medical School. Half way through!!!!! We are going to miss him for sure when we are in Utah for a month. Anyways... The big 27!!! WOW!!! You are old. And of course with Clint being the party animal that he is he had breakfast in bed (a bowl of cold cereal. Go me :)), he went to school and studied for the boards until 5:00. We had a pizza party with my cub scouts and had birthday cake with them to. Emmi gave him little cards with her hand and foot prints on them, and I gave him a big old kiss. I finished my book and he studied some more!!! Whew. I hope I didn't leave anything out!! He did get a ton of phone calls from family so that was really nice. Thanks!! So Happy Birthday Clint. We love you. (oh, I am at work right now and don't have access to photos so I will post them tomorrow). Lovies Clint!


gina bina said...

Happy Birthday Clint!